Kiili Boat 400 is a steady and low-draughted boat for the everyman. It is suitable for inland waters and bays. When choosing an outboard engine for the Kiili Boat 440 follow our recommendation: max. 6 kW/8 hp. When riding smaller inland waters a smaller engine or electrical engine will suffice. Whether you go for the four or two-stroke engine is up to you. The four-stroke pollutes less, the gear is steadier. Engines with a short shaft length are suitable for the Kiili Boat 400 (but you can use an engine with a long shaft length). It is more convenient to use an engine that has the gas tank mounted beneath the engine cover.
Length: 4,0 m
Width: 1,7 m
Freeboard height: 0,32 m
Deadweight: 440 kg
No. of people: 4
maximum engine power: 6 kW
Weight: ~80 kg
Material: klaasplast
Category: D